Parents we need your help with the following:
Sports are organized through the Our Lady of the Woods Athletic Association. Participation in sports is an important facet in the total education program. It fosters the development of coordination, sportsmanship, confidence and spirit.
Girls and boys registered in our Religious Education Program, may participate in basketball, volleyball and soccer.
Our Athletic Administrator and Athletic Coordinator work in tandem with our Athletic Board and volunteers in providing sports programs and assuring that sports have a spiritual component.
Help is always appreciated. If interested in becoming a future member of the Athletic Board please contact Children's Athletic Ministry at [email protected]
Lord God,
Fill us with your spirit of love and
fair play as we begin. Help us to
remember that, win or lose, we
are your beloved children.
Through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of the Woods,
Pray for Us.
We thank you for your support and prayers
for the Children's Athletic Ministry.
Athletic Administrator: Brittney Little
CAM Board 2023-24
Ex-Officio Member: Christine Collins
President: Janet Meyers
Vice-President: Brian Rathbun
Co - Treasurers: Gerardo Gonzalez & Kevin Schroeder
Secretary: Traci Zumerchik
Meghan Arnold
Brian Rathbun
Jorge Moreno
Ann Murray
Sheila Mackey
Matt Barry
Kelly Burke
Pat Ready
Christine Doemke
Maggie Garvey
Girls Basketball - grades 3-8 Boys Basketball - grades 3-8
Girls Volleyball - grades 4-8 Boys Volleyball - grades 4-8
Girls Soccer - grades 1-8 Boys Soccer - grades 1-8